Featured Businesses

Amusement Park

Amusement Park

New York, New Jersey
+1 444 777 9999


Old Toronto, Entertainment District
+1 555 888 9932
Real Property

Real Property

New York, New York
+1 232 883 9932
Lucha Restaurant

Lucha Restaurant

Rome, Roma Capitale
+1 555 888 9932
Harbour 99

Harbour 99

Hamburg, Wandsbek
+1 555 888 9932
Yoga Club

Yoga Club

Paris, Ile-de-France
Fashion Inc.

Fashion Inc.

Milano, Bergamo
+1 555 888 9932
Professional Photography

Professional Photography

Toronto, Ontario

Extend you audience with J-Business Directory Mobile App

Growing your customer base and increasing collaboration has never been easier. Professionally crafted for the needs of directory users the J-Business Directory Mobile App offers convenience and ease of use.
With over 50% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, having a mobile application for your website is a must.


See how it works

Easy steps to achieve a big goal


First, choose a plan to suit your budget and strategy.

Then, use the registration form to create your business listing page.

As you go through the registration process, give your prospects the information they need to select a supplier. Describe your business, tell them where you are located, how you can be contacted. Build your web page which stands out!


Your business listing goes online.

You have the possibility to enter multilanguage content.

You get your account login and password so you can modify any time your business details, offers or events.


As soon as it goes online, your business listing page becomes visible to our users.

Your company gets visibility and ranking both on our website and on all national and international search engines.

You start getting leads and valuable traffic is driven to your website.

Your business listing page is also available on mobile phones.

Ready to create your business listing

Latest Businesses

Professional Photography

Good old day are coming back.

Toronto, Ontario
View details
Wedding Venue

Your event in a magical place!

Sunnyvale, California
View details
Sun Motors

Quality in every extra mile!

Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg
View details

Latest offers

Discount 40 %

USD 50.00 USD 30.00

Discount 40 %

USD 50.00 USD 30.00

Discount 40 %

EUR 50.00 EUR 30.00

Discount 21 %

USD 95.00 USD 75.00

Discount 20 %

USD 100.00 USD 80.00

Discount 50 %

Discount 44 %

USD 80.00 USD 45.00

Discount 29 %

USD 70.00 USD 50.00

Events for every day


Sep 2023

11:00 AM - 06:30 PM
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.


Jan 2023

Nulla sagittis pretium sagittis. Aliquam tincidunt sodales dui, a facilisis nisi sollicitudin quis. Sed nec mattis augue. Sed hendrerit odio non mauris fermentum semper.


Jan 2023

Mauris quis finibus tellus, eget dignissim tellus. Cras eget lorem libero. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam ac volutpat erat. Nunc id metus nunc. Phasellus finibus ante et finibus viverra.


J-BusinessDirectory is a professional and reliable business directory. You can create now the professional business directory you've always dreamed of.

Using J-BusinessDirectory, you can provide your clients multiple benefits: responsive design, user friendly interface based on css3 and html5, possibility to promote business offers and events, map localization, zip code search, and much more.

About directory

J-BusinessDirectory is a professional and reliable business directory. You can create now the professional business directory you've always dreamed of.

You can create and efficiently manage any type of directory.